eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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AI Is Not the New SEO. Brands Could Be In a Marketplace Without Realizing It

Brands want to be in AI, but be careful what you wish for. Things you could give up that are either already here, or are coming soon:

* Control over your user experience

* Control over what brands you are displayed next to

* Control over your shipping messaging

* Loss of opt-in or other marketing

* Your on-site personalization efforts ignored

How many hundreds of thousands of dollars of brand investments could fall by the wayside. Even your platform could be completely irrelevant.

Google tried to build a marketplace many times but could never execute.

AI does not care about building a marketplace, but you could be in one anyway.

Advice of the future could look like:

* Build a high-quality product.

* Build a relentless and high-quality content and media engine for your brand.

* Take care of customer service issues so your consumer sentiment doesn't bubble over.

* Deliver fast in the event AI starts testing this too.

* But ... Don't overspend on your eCommerce platform and UX apps.

Why don't overspend on yoru platform? Many consumers will never even see them. The consumer will be where they are, and they won't know or care if you are on Oracle, Shopify, BigCommerce, etc.

Disintermediation is coming. AI is in the driver's seat, but powered by the consumer's intent.