eCommerce Strategy Consultant - Rick Watson - RMW Commerce Consulting

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Zuck mentions A Bad Apple In Q4 Call

Just off #Facebook Q4 2020 earnings call.


  • R&D spend up 34% y/y (how is this allocated!). Revenue up 22% in 2020.

  • Ad revenue up 31% in the US in Q4. Good marker for eCommerce.

  • Average revenue per ad up 5%. Ads getting more expensive.

  • 30 minutes of Mark Zuckerberg whining about Apple's iOS 14 tracking changes. Which they expect to hit late Q1 2021.

  • - Zuckerberg paints a target on Apple's back as their top competitor.

  • - Zuckerberg says their super-creepy targeting helps small businesses. Rah rah. No mention that the user should own all this data or alternatives to FB owning it.

  • - Not a lot of direct FB commerce updates (marketplace etc).

  • - Ad revenue headwinds with iOS14? They expect a user prompt for third-party data opt-out, with increasing impact throughout 2021 as adoption rises. How to mitigate? Not many ways. It affects everyone equally. (that doesn't mitigate it but I get what he means)

  • - AR/VR? Working on new hardware like AR glasses.